Some testimonies on health
I have big uterine fibroids and cysts. It's been a year and probably many years before. They got so big since a year ago. I have tried many herbal medicine to no avail. Starting in December and January this year, I started Hulda Clark parasite cleanse and liver flush. Felt better since then.
Last week I tried castor oil pack and Iodine supplement. I wrapped the pack around the fibroids and liver area. I leave it overnight, been doing this for a week now. I can see significant changes to the buldge on my abdomen. It has decreased significantly. Is it because of the Iodine or just castor oil pack? Has anyone experienced this before?
I also experience night sweat. After parasite cleanse, i rarely have night sweat. Is it normal? Is it the parasite? Do I have to do parasite cleanse again?
Hi, I am one of those people who have had great success with Iodine supplementation to cure uterine fibroids. I use Lugols solution, as it has more I2 than SSKI , and the I2 (elemental iodine) is really important for women with uterine fibroids or fibrocystic breast disease, (which I also had).
I started with 50mg Lugols per day (6-8 drops) in a glass of water, first thing in the morning. I did have a week or so of detox reaction, but upped the dose to 100mg per day, and these detox symtoms passed quickly. In a few weeks I saw dramatic reduction in my FBD, and the uterine fibroids started shrinking. After six months of Iodine supplementation most of the FBD was gone, and the uterine fibroids were almost gone. After 9 months, I had a breast examination and no FBD could be detected at all, I also had an ultrasound and no uterine fibroids could be detected either. My cycle is now normal, with no pain, and regular as clockwork.
As for buying iodine, that would depend on which country you live in.
There is a lot of info on this forum, and lots of women who have had success with uterine fibroids.
regards, spud
It took me about 6 months, of 100mg Lugols iodine, per day. I had 2 large uterine fibroids, one 10cm x 4cm. After 6 months Iodine supplementation, I had no fibroids at all, and remain free of them up till now.
I also had severe fibro-cystic breast disease, I now have no trace of this at all.
Iodine is the best for fibroids and FBD.
About a month ago I was diagnosed with a 6 cm Fibroid tumor in my uterus. At that point I was having very heavy periods that will last over a week with a lot of pain and passing very big blood clots. I also suffered from back pain due to the fibroid and had problems peeing as the fibroid was pressing my bladder. After I was diagnosed, I started to look for natural cures on the internet and I found your website and after reading about all the remedies I started to take molasses three times a day ( 1 tablespoon). The first thing I noticed was that my period lasted only four to five days and I have to say I was a little afraid because my blood flow was abnormally light and I did not have not even a blood clot. Also, when I started to have horrible pain I took 4 tablespoons on one go as another reader suggested and after about 40 minutes the pain totally disappeared!!! Today I went to the doctor and they did a ultrasound scan and said the fibroid is gone!!! I am totally amazed and I am not too sure what to think, I don`t know if it is gone for ever or what but I will keep molasses in my diet just in case.
By the way, I did not use blackstrap molasses but the normal molasses which is sweeter. Also I started to eat algae (japanese Kombu-which is rich in iodine) as part of my diet, about once or twice a week, , so maybe this also played a part in the cure.